FCC Seeks Comment on Ericsson’s Waiver Request to Allow Multiband Devices in the 3.45 GHz and 3.7 GHz Bands


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Office of Engineering and Technology are seeking comment on Ericsson’s waiver request to allow marketing, manufacturing, selling, and use of multiband devices in the 3.45 GHz and 3.7 GHz bands.  Ericsson specifically seeks a waiver of section 27.53(n) of the FCC’s rules, which establishes out-of-band emission limits for the 3.45 GHz band, and a conforming waiver of section 2.947(f) of Commission rules, which creates procedures for emission measurements of composite systems for equipment authorization.  Comments are due on August 23 and reply comments are due on September 2.

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