Biden Creates New White House Cyber Position


President-elect Joe Biden has announced that he will be adding a new position to the White House National Security Council (NSC).  The new position, Deputy National Security Adviser for Cyber and Emerging Technologies, will oversee various cybersecurity issues.  Mr. Biden has appointed Anne Neuberger, the National Security Agency’s (NSA) current Director of Cybersecurity, to fill the post.  The Obama Administration’s NSC included a cybersecurity coordinator, but the post was eliminated under President Trump. 

At the NSA, prior to serving as Director of Cybersecurity, Ms. Neuberger led the agency’s election security effort and served as the Assistant Deputy Director of the Operations Directorate, leading foreign intelligence and cybersecurity operations.  With the recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, the Biden Administration will also have a national cyber director with a staff of approximately 75-100 employees.

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