Biden Signs Executive Order to Restore Net Neutrality, Crackdown on Antitrust in Tech


President Biden has signed an Executive Order to reshape competition for the internet and Big Tech.  The Order encourages the FCC to reinstate net neutrality, restoring Obama Administration rules that were rolled back during the Trump Administration.  Net neutrality would prohibit ISPs from slowing down traffic on or blocking internet platforms.  The Order also encourages the FCC to prohibit exclusive deals between landlords and ISPs that offer only one internet service option to tenants, and it encourages the FCC to revisit its plans for a “Broadband Nutrition Label.”

Aside from instructions for the FCC, the sweeping Order contains a total of 72 directives for more than a dozen federal agencies, including provisions that embolden the FTC and DOJ to strengthen their scrutiny ofr mergers and antitrust violations, as well as  their protection of user privacy.

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Michael is the editor of Rural Spectrum Scanner and a founding member of Bennet & Bennet, which is now part of Womble Bond (US) LLP. Michael has more than 30 years of experience serving wireline, wireless and broadband telecommunications carriers. He guides clients through all aspects of regulatory compliance, including structuring business transactions that comply with federal and state regulations. Contact Michael about subscription information or to report a lead on regulatory or legislative news that affects rural America.