CCA Files Petition Requesting Less Burden on Carriers in Reporting Network Outages to PSAPs


The Competitive Carriers Association has filed a Petition for Reconsideration requesting that the FCC reconsider in part the Second Report and Order regarding 911 outage reporting.  Specifically, CCA requests reconsideration of the FCC’s 30-minute notification deadline rule and asks that the Commission instead retain its “as soon as possible” notification requirement.  CCA argues that it will be significantly difficult for carriers to assess the outage, identify the appropriate PSAPs, and make the required notifications within such a short timeframe.

CCA also requests that the Commission reconsider its requirement that carriers, as originating service providers, gather and maintain current contact information for 911 special facilities in areas they serve.  CCA asks that instead a centralized database be created with information provided by the 911 special facilities.  CCA argues that this requirement places a heavy burden on carriers and PSAPs, who are likely to experience many recurring requests for updated contact information.

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