FCC Proposes $163,912 Fine Against BarrierFree for Overstating its Broadband Deployment


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission), in a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NAL), has proposed a fine of $163,912, the statutory maximum for the alleged offenses, against Barrier Communications Corporation d/b/a BarrierFree (BarrierFree), a fixed wireless broadband service provider, for allegedly both failing to file its FCC Form 477 data twenty-seven times and vastly overstating its broadband deployment and subscribership on four separate occasions. Additionally, in response to the Enforcement Bureau’s Letters of Inquiry (LOIs), BarrierFree apparently filed non-responsive and inaccurate responses.  The Commission has directed BarrierFree to submit full and complete responses to all of the FCC’s outstanding requests by October 2, 2020.

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