Net Neutrality and 988 Georouting Items Slated for Vote at April 25 Meeting


The FCC’s April 25, 2024 open meeting is poised to dominate headlines as the Commission puts its divisive new Net Neutrality Order up for vote. The Order, which is expected to pass along party lines and be appealed thereafter, would reclassify broadband Internet access service as a Title II telecommunications service and as a commercial mobile service, with updated justifications grounding such authority in recent facts (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic) and in accordance with recent Commission and court precedent.

Also on the April meeting agenda are a series of enforcement actions and a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (2nd FNPRM) considering the adoption of rules requiring wireless carriers to implement a georouting solution for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and related issues. The current 988 Lifeline system routes calls to crisis centers based on a caller’s area code and exchange, which may not match a caller’s actual physical location.

In advance of the April 25 meeting, the FCC has released drafts of the Net Neutrality Order and 988 Georouting 2nd FNPRM.

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