FCC Provides Guidance on Lifeline Reimbursement Payment Process


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has provided guidance regarding the revised Lifeline reimbursement process for eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs). The revised Lifeline reimbursement process aligns with the FCC’s plan for the National Verifier to serve as the basis for support payments by reimbursing providers based on records of claimed subscribers in the National Verifier database to protect against fraud and abuse in the Lifeline Program. Beginning with the January 2018 data month, payment of Lifeline support for all ETCs in all states/territories (except for NLAD opt-out states) will be compared to the subscriber data contained in the NLAD subscriber snapshot report and payments will be made based on the number of subscribers enrolled with an ETC in the NLAD on the snapshot date for that month or, in NLAD opt-out states, based on data received either from the state or directly from the ETC. Also beginning with data month January 2018, all ETCs must file their reimbursement request using USAC’s online E-File system.

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