FCC Seeks Comment on the Alaska Lifeline Petition


The Wireline Competition Bureau is seeking comment on the Alaska Telephone Association’s (ATA) Petition for clarification and waiver of certain FCC’s rules relating to the Lifeline minimum service standards for mobile broadband and fixed broadband service in remote areas of Alaska. Specifically, ATA requests that the FCC clarify that a mobile wireless eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in remote Alaska provides 3G service when it offers 3G or better in part of its service area and ensures that its customer can access that service. ATA also requests that the FCC waive the 3G requirement for ETCs in remote Alaska that do not yet offer 3G or better service. For fixed ETCs that do not yet offer broadband meeting the minimum speed standards, ATA suggests that the FCC should allow Lifeline-eligible consumers to apply the Lifeline discount to broadband offerings under 4/1 Mbps when no 4/1 Mbps offering is available, and to any of the ETC’s available broadband offerings. Comments are due by February 12, 2018, and reply comments are due by February 26, 2018.


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