FCC Announces New Voluntary Electronic Filing System for CALEA System Security and Integrity Plans and Seeks Comment on Making the System Mandatory


The Federal Communications Commission’s Public Safety and Security Bureau (Bureau) has announced the implementation of a voluntary Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) electronic filing system (CEFS) for CALEA System Security and Integrity Plans (SSI Plans). The Bureau also seeks comment on making the CEFS mandatory six-months after it is available for voluntary filings. The FCC’s CALEA rules require that all providers subject to CALEA file SSI Plans prior to commencing service. Providers must also update their SSI Plans within 90 days of any changes to the information previously filed. Currently, SSI Plans must be filed on paper. The Bureau believes that the CEFS will reduce administrative burdens, encourage the timely filing of SSI Plans and updates, and minimize errors leading to insufficient filings that require re-submission. The Bureau plans to release a Public Notice announcing the date that entities may submit electronic SSI Plans voluntarily on CEFS.

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