FCC Completes Electronic Filing Transition for all Wireless Radio Services


The FCC has released an order completing the transition to electronic filings for all wireless radio services (WRS). In 1998, the FCC adopted mandatory electronic filings for most applications and related filings in the Universal Licensing System (ULS), but left exemptions in place for certain categories of users and certain filings, such as Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) applicants and special temporary authority applications. The FCC notes that it is now able to process all applications electronically. Accordingly, the FCC removes the remaining exemptions to mandatory electronic filing in the ULS and ASR systems. The FCC will also require electronic filings of pleadings related to WRS licenses/applications and electronic service of such pleadings where required. In addition, all applicants, licensees, and registrants in the WRS will have to include at least one valid e-mail address on FCC Forms, and all correspondence generated from the systems will be by electronic delivery (not by postal service). As of the date of publication of the order in the Federal Register, the FCC will no longer mail paper authorizations; however, all rule changes will become effective six months after the date of publication in the Federal Register. The FCC also stated that absent a waiver, any manually filed applications for WRS submitted after the transition deadline will be dismissed without prejudice.

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