FCC Seeks Comment on Possible Revisions to Forms 620/621 Required for Wireless Infrastructure Projects


The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) is seeking comment on possible revisions to FCC Forms 620 and 621 to make them easier to complete and review. The forms are required for new towers and certain collocations to provide information to State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs) and Tribes (Reviewers) to assess potential effects on historic properties, as required by the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). As the forms have not been substantially revised since 2004, and in light of technological and regulatory changes since then, the Bureau seeks to simplify the forms without impeding their underlying purpose. The Bureau seeks comment on the forms’ organization, format, or instructions (including attachments), and on potential changes for reviews of small cell facilities deployment for 5G services. In particular, the Bureaus seeks comment on potential modifications so Reviewers can assess the potential impact of groups of similar proposed small cell deployments within a narrowly-defined geographic area on a single consolidated submission. Comments are due by March 13, 2020, and reply comments are due by March 27, 2020.

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