Improving WEA, Foreign Ownership Policies, Expanding Consumer Choice on Tentative September FCC Open Meeting Agenda


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has released the agenda for its September 29, 2016 open meeting. It contains the following items:

Improving Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA): The Commission will consider a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would leverage technological advancements to improve wireless emergency alert content, delivery and testing, while seeking comment on further measures to ensure effective alerts.

Review of Foreign Ownership Policies: The Commission will consider a Report and Order that extends streamlined rules and procedures that apply to common carriers seeking foreign ownership approval to broadcast licensees with appropriate broadcast-specific modifications. The Order also establishes a framework for a publicly traded common carrier, broadcast licensee, or controlling U.S. parent to determine its foreign ownership levels.

Independent Programming: The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing steps the Commission can take to promote the distribution of independent and diverse programming to consumers.

Expanding Consumer Choice: The Commission will consider a Report and Order that modernizes the Commission’s rules to allow consumers to use a device of their choosing to access multichannel video programming instead of leasing devices from their cable or satellite providers.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 10:30 am, and will be shown online at


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