Wireless Bureau Extends Incentive Auction Comment Dates


The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC or Commission) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Wireless Bureau) has extended the Incentive Auction Comment Public Notice response deadlines from January 30, 2015 and February 27, 2015 to February 13, 2015 and March 13, 2015 respectively. On December 23, 2014, the Consumer Electronics Association, CTIA – The Wireless Association, and the Telecommunications Industry Association filed a Joint Request for Extension of Comment and Reply Comment Deadlines with respect to the Incentive Auction Comment Public Notice released on December 17, 2014. The parties asserted that many interested parties’ resources are currently constrained by participation in the AWS-3 auction, and that a 30-day delay would allow for the compilation of a more thorough record. The Wireless Bureau did not grant the requested 30 days, but determined that a two-week delay would provide sufficient additional time and would not jeopardize the Commission’s anticipated schedule for the auction.

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