Waiver of Emergency Info Accessibility Sought


The FCC’s Media Bureau has asked for comment on a waiver request filed by the American Cable Association (ACA) that seeks relief from the May 26, 2015 deadline that requires video programming distributors to ensure that the aural representation of emergency information provided on the secondary audio stream gets passed through to consumers.  ACA requests waivers for two classes of cable systems.  First, ACA requests that the Bureau allow hybrid analog/digital systems to substantially meet the pass-through requirement through the provision of free set-top boxes for up to three analog television sets per household of each eligible customer, until such time that the hybrid system obtains the equipment necessary to provide the secondary audio stream on their analog service, or ceases providing broadcast stations in analog. Second, for analog-only systems that lack the equipment needed to pass through secondary audio streams, ACA requests that the Bureau waive the compliance deadline until at least June 12, 2018, with the opportunity to seek a further waiver from the Bureau, if still needed at that time.  Comments on the ACA petition are due on or before April 2, 2015 and reply comments are due on or before April 9, 2015.





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