FCC to Consider Lengthy December Open Meeting Agenda


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has released the agenda for its December 15, 2016 open meeting – expected to be Chairman Tom Wheeler’s last. It contains the following items:

Transition from TTY to Real-Time Text Technology: The Commission will consider a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to help achieve the transition from TTY technology to a reliable and interoperable means of providing real-time text communication over wireless Internet protocol-enabled networks and services.

Amendment of Part 11 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System: The Commission will consider a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to enhance the Emergency Alert System (EAS) as a tool for community emergency preparedness. The Report and Order is intended to improve alerting organization at the state and local levels, builds stronger community-based alerting exercise programs, and protects the EAS against accidental misuse and malicious intrusion. The Further
Notice seeks comment on proposals to leverage technological advances to improve alerting and additional measures to preserve EAS security.

Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and Related Matters: The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to update, clarify, and streamline the Commission’s rules to facilitate the deployment of recently proposed nongeostationary- satellite orbit, fixed-satellite service satellite systems.

Amendment of Part 0 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding Public Information, the Inspection of Records, and Implementing the Freedom of Information Act: The Commission will consider an Order that updates its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regulations consistent with the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016.

Maritime Communications/Land Mobile, LLC: The Commission will consider an Order on Reconsideration and Memorandum Opinion and Order regarding the assignment of licenses held by Maritime Communications/Land Mobile, LLC.

Improving the Resiliency of Mobile Wireless Communications Networks: The Commission will consider an
Order that evaluates the Wireless Network Resiliency Cooperative Framework submitted by members of the wireless industry.

Preferred Long Distance, Inc.: The Commission will consider a Memorandum Opinion and Order that addresses a Petition for Reconsideration of a Forfeiture Order issued by the Commission for slamming and
deceptive marketing.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 10:30 am, and will be shown online at www.fcc.gov/live.

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