Comments on 28/24 GHz Bands Auction Procedures Due May 9


The FCC has adopted a public notice of the auction procedures for 28 and 24 GHz band licenses in Auction 101 and 102 beginning November 14, 2018.  The notice proposes and seeks comment on various application and bidding procedures for licensing the two bands in the Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service in separate consecutive auctions (3,074 county-based licenses in the 28 GHz band and 2,912 Partial Economic Area-based licenses in the 24 GHz band).  The FCC is proposing to have separate application and bidding processes for Auctions 101 and 102, including separate application windows.  Bidding credits for small businesses and rural service providers are also proposed, but at capped levels ($25 million for small businesses and $10 million for rural service providers).  Comments on the Auctions 101/102 public notice are due by May 9, 2018 and reply comments by May 23, 2018.

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