Commission to Host Numbering Testbed Workshop


The FCC’s Chief Technology Officer will host an all-day workshop to facilitate the design and development of a Numbering Testbed on March 25, 2014. The goal of the Numbering Testbed is to convene a community and provide common resources to enable research into numbering in an all-IP network. This workshop has three objectives: (1) to identify gaps in the existing number assignment and management systems that may arise during or after transition to an all-IP environment and opportunities for simplification; (2) to discuss proposals for general Testbed architecture and the numbering-related issues it should address; and (3) to facilitate administration and organization (mailing list, conference calls) for those individuals who are interested in doing the prototyping and participating further in the Testbed process. Participation is open to any and all technical experts, particularly software and network engineers with experience implementing telephony-related systems and contributing to numbering or naming-related standards.

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