Commission Unanimously Adopts Incentive Auction Interference Order and NPRM


The Federal Communications Commission has released a Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking addressing several outstanding issues related to the upcoming 600 MHz Broadcast Incentive Auction.  The Commission rejected proposals for additional limits on any new interference between television stations as a result of the Incentive Auction repacking process. It has established a methodology to predict inter-service interference between television and wireless services in certain areas for use during the Incentive Auction, and proposed a post-auction inter-service interference methodology and input values. The principal difference between the two methodologies for auction use and the one proposed for use after the auction is that the latter will be based on actual 600 MHz Band wireless network deployments, whereas the former require assumptions because networks will not yet be deployed. The Commission also proposed protection standards for any television stations and new 600 MHz Band wireless services on co- or adjacent-channel frequencies in nearby areas.

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