FCC and NTIA to Create Model City for Spectrum Sharing


The FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) have issued a joint Public Notice that seeks comment on the creation of a “Model City” to demonstrate, test, and evaluate advanced spectrum sharing technologies.  The initiative comes from a July 2012 report from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) that called for new spectrum architecture premised on spectrum sharing rather than exclusive use.  In its report, PCAST recommended the creation of “an urban test city in a major U.S city to support realistic, rapid experimentation in spectrum management technology and practice.”  OET and NTIA are now acting on the PCAST recommendation.  They are seeking comment on the PCAST recommendation generally and on ways to establish, fund, and conduct the Model City program.  Comments are due 45 days after the date the Public Notice is published in the Federal Register, which has not yet occurred.

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