FCC Enforcement Bureau Outlines New Complaint Escalation Process


In its July 2015 Field Modernization Order, the FCC closed 11 of its Enforcement Bureau field offices and made additional structural changes to its field operations. It also committed to establishing complaint escalation procedures to address concerns over whether the new field structure will be able to address pirate radio stations and other radio interference issues. The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau has  released a Public Notice that outlines its new complaint escalation process. Among other things, the Enforcement Bureau will create a new web portal for complaints from public safety and other industry interference complainants and has committed to responding directly to complainants within one to five business days, depending on whether a complaint is classified as high, medium, or low priority. Complainants will also be able to directly contact the relevant regional director or the Enforcement Bureau Field Director after a certain period of time passes without their complaints receiving a response.

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