FCC Proposes its Largest Fine Ever Against Chinese Manufacturer for Illegal Marketing and Sale of Signal Jamming Devices


In what it calls a “landmark enforcement action,” the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture and Order (NAL) which addresses the illegal marketing of GPS, cell, and other signal jamming devices to U.S. consumers over the Internet by C.T.S. Technology Co., Limited (C.T.S.), a Chinese manufacturer and retailer of wireless communications products.  Following an extensive undercover operation conducted by the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau, the FCC determined that C.T.S. has allegedly marketed 285 models of signal jamming devices to U.S. consumers for more than two years.  Accordingly, the FCC proposes C.T.S. receive the maximum penalty permitted by statute of $34,912,500.  With the release of the NAL, the FCC intends to put all jamming manufacturers and retailers on notice.  The following statement warns of the possibility of more enforcement actions: “Given the relative ease with which U.S. consumers may purchase illegal jammers over the Internet, we will aggressively target the retail platforms, like C.T.S., that are conducting and enabling illegal activity.”  Also, in the NAL, the FCC warns consumers to take note that purchasing a cell, GPS, or other signal jamming device online and having it shipped into the U.S. via the U.S. mail or other transport or courier service is unlawful and may subject them to civil and criminal penalties.

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