FCC Proposes Rules to Combat 911 Fee Diversion


The FCC has adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) implementing the Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act of 2020, requiring the FCC to address states and other jurisdictions’ diverting 911 fees for non-911 purposes.

The NPRM seeks comment on proposals to define which types of 911 fee uses are acceptable under the Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act of 2020; establish a procedure for states and jurisdictions to petition the FCC to determine acceptable uses for 911 fees; prevent states and jurisdictions found to be 911 fee diverters from serving on FCC federal advisory committees; and require states and jurisdictions receiving federal 911 grants to furnish information to the FCC for the agency’s annual 911 fee congressional report.

Comments on the NPRM are due 20 days after Federal Register publication, and Reply Comments are due 30 days after the Federal Register publication.  The legislation mandates the FCC issue final rules 180 days after that legislation’s enactment, or by June 25, 2021.

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