FCC Releases Guide to E-Rate Modernization Proceeding and Maps Showing Fiber Connectivity to Schools and Libraries


To assist parties that are considering filing comments in response to the FCC’s E-Rate Modernization Further Notice, the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Strategic Planning & Policy Analysis have released a report explaining how to navigate “the large and data-intensive record” in the E-Rate modernization docket.  The report summarizes the impact of the changes made to funding of internal connections in the E-Rate Modernization Order, presents analysis on fiber connectivity and pricing for schools and libraries, and examines the short- and long-term impacts of phasing down non-broadband services.  It is available at http://www.fcc.gov/e-rate-update, and its datasets are available on the E-Rate modernization data webpage.

The Wireline Competition Bureau has also released maps depicting fiber connectivity to public schools and libraries that were created using publicly available data and data submitted in the E-Rate modernization proceeding.  However, the maps do not show the number of schools or libraries that actually subscribe to high-speed, fiber-based broadband service.  They are available at www.fcc.gov/maps/E-rate-fiber-map.  States, districts, schools, libraries, and others are invited to provide additional connectivity data in comments to the E-Rate Modernization Further Notice or by emailing SchoolFiberMap@fcc.gov or LibraryFiberMap@fcc.gov.

For additional information, please contact Tony Veach.

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