Grand River Mutual Seeks A-CAM Relief for Locations Excluded Due to Clerical Error


Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation (GRM) has filed a Petition for Reconsideration of the FCC’s March 23, 2018 Report and Order (Order), Third Order on Reconsideration, and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) providing additional Alternative Connect America Model (“A-CAM”) support for model-based broadband deployment.  While pleased by the FCC’s decision to provide relief to A-CAM carriers, GRM also asks the FCC to reconsider its decision in the Order with respect to increases in amounts for locations that were precluded from receiving support because of inadvertent clerical error.  GRM indicates that 747 of its locations previously had been disqualified from A-CAM funding due to an inadvertent clerical error in its June 2015 Form 477 data.  GRM now asks the Commission to include additional funding for these 747 previously-excluded locations so they may be served with fiber or, alternatively, seek comment on including them in the NPRM as the FCC considers additional new A-CAM funding opportunities. GRM’s petition has not yet been released for comment.

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