Maps Show Areas Potentially Eligible for CAF Phase II Support


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) has released a set of online maps that depict the illustrative results for version 4.0 of the Connect America Cost Model (CAM v4.0), which reflect two potential funding thresholds: $48 and $52.  In practical terms, the maps display potential eligible areas where price cap carriers may receive cost model support as part of Phase II of the Connect America Fund (CAF).  The map generated by running CAM v4.0 using a $48 funding threshold is available here.  The map generated by running CAM v4.0 using a $52 funding threshold is available here.  Additionally, the WCB has released the maps’ underlying data which among other things, depicts whether specific census blocks are potentially eligible for support or are not potentially eligible because they fall above the extremely high-cost threshold, and shows whether a census block is presumptively served by a carrier that qualifies as an unsubsidized competitor.  Because the WCB has not adopted a final cost model or funding threshold, the maps and data that have been released should not be viewed as final decisions.

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