Parties Seek Access to Confidential Data in Special Access Proceeding


In June, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC or Commission) Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) released a Public Notice announcing that it was ready to receive executed Acknowledgements of Confidentiality (Acknowledgements) from parties seeking access to confidential and highly confidential information submitted in response to the Commission’s special access data collection earlier this year. The Bureau recently released a list of the parties that executed Acknowledgements and filed them with the Commission. Companies that submitted confidential or highly confidential information in response to the collection have until July 17, 2015 to object to disclosure of their data and information to the requesting parties. Absent the filing of an objection, the requesting party listed in the Attachment will have access to confidential and highly confidential data and information collected once that it is made available by the Bureau. The Bureau will maintain a list of all parties that have sought access, and been granted access, to confidential and highly confidential information.

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