RDOF Phase I Eligible Areas Finalized


The FCC has issued a public notice finalizing the list of areas eligible for Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) Phase I support in Auction 904 beginning later this month. The final list (1) excludes areas that were awarded ReConnect Round 2 grants and grant/loan combinations as identified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS); (2) makes corrections to challenge process results for Cox Communications, DigitalPath, and Savage Communications; and (3) removes certain rate-of-return census blocks based on two revised study area boundary filings. The final list of RDOF Phase I eligible areas can be found on the FCC’s Auction 904 website. In a separate order, the FCC denied a request by Western Iowa Wireless, Inc. to remove certain areas from RDOF Phase I eligibility based on unverifiable Form 477 data, among other things.

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