Robocallers No Longer Have Luxury of Warnings Before Being Penalized


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has issued an Order that eliminates the requirement that the Commission issue citations against robocallers before the Commission can move forward with an enforcement action. Prior to this Order, the Commission had to issue citations, a form of warning robocallers of their illegal activity, before it could bring an enforcement action and could only penalize robocallers for illegal activity after the citation was issued. Such citations were required by law until the TRACED Act was enacted in December 2019. According to the Commission, robocall scam operators no longer need warnings to understand that their activity is in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Furthermore, the Commission has extended the statute of limitations for violations of the TCPA and for spoofing to four years. The maximum fines for international robocall violations has also been increased.

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