FCC Removes Cuba From Section 214 Exclusion List


The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC or Commission) International Bureau (Bureau) has removed Cuba from the Commission’s Exclusion List for International Section 214 Authorizations (Exclusion List). The Exclusion List identifies countries and facilities that are not covered by grant of a global facilities-based Section 214 application and require a separate international Section 214. By removing Cuba from the Exclusion list, the Commission opens the door for U.S. telecom carriers to provide facilities-based telephone and Internet service to Cuba without separate approval from the Commission. Cuba was the last remaining country on the Commission’s Exclusion List. This action allows carriers seeking new international Section 214 authority for facilities-based service to Cuba to receive such authority sooner, and permits carriers with
existing global Section 214 authority to provide services between the United States and Cuba without additional authorization.

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