FCC Adopts Auction Procedures for the 28 GHz and 24 GHz Bands


The FCC has adopted a Public Notice establishing application and bidding procedures for the upcoming Spectrum Frontiers auctions of Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS) licenses in the 28 GHz (27.5-28.35 GHz) and 24 GHz (24.25-24.45, 24.75-25.25 GHz) bands. The FCC will offer the 28 GHz and 24 GHz band licenses through two auctions with separate application and bidding processes for each auction. The application windows will run concurrently. The bidding for the 28 GHz UMFUS licenses (Auction 101) will commence on November 14, 2018, and the bidding for the 24 GHz licenses (Auction 102) will commence after the bidding concludes in Auction 101. The two auctions will use different bidding formats to accommodate differences in the characteristics of the licenses in the two bands. Specifically, the 28 GHz auction will employ the standard simultaneous multiple round auction format. The 28 GHz licenses will be offered in two 425 MHz blocks by county. The 24 GHz auction will employ a clock auction format, beginning with a clock phase that will allow bidding on generic blocks in each Partial Economic Area in successive bidding rounds and then an assignment phase which will allow winners of the generic blocks to bid for frequency-specific license assignments. The 24 GHz licenses will be offered in seven 100 MHz blocks. The FCC states that certain auction rules, such as the prohibition on certain communications, will apply to both auctions. In addition, the FCC adopts bidding credit caps of $25 million for small businesses and $10 million for rural service providers.


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