FCC Adopts TRS Rates


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) recently adopted per-minute compensation rates to be paid from the Interstate Telecommunications Relay Services Fund for the Fund Year beginning July 1, 2015, for all telecommunications relay services (TRS). The per-minute compensation rates for TRS, other than video relay service (VRS), shall be: (1) for interstate traditional TRS, $2.2904; (2) for interstate Speech-to- Speech relay service (STS), $3.4214; (3) for interstate captioned telephone service (CTS) and Internet Protocol captioned telephone service (IP CTS), $1.8895; and (4) for IP Relay, $1.37. The applicable per-minute VRS compensation rates for the period from July 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015, are: Tier I (a provider’s first 500,000 monthly minutes), $5.06; Tier II (a provider’s second 500,000 monthly minutes), $4.82; and Tier III (a provider’s monthly minutes in excess of 1 million), $4.06. The applicable per-minute VRS compensation rates for the period from January 1, 2016, through June 30, 2016, are: Tier I, $4.82; Tier II, $4.82; Tier III, $3.87.

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