New FCC Form 466 Deadlines for Rural Health Care Program Applicants


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has issued an Order clarifying the treatment of supporting documentation to applications for support under the universal service Rural Health Care (RHC) program. The RHC program enables telecommunications carriers to provide services to rural health care providers (HCPs) at reduced rates. Beginning in funding year 2015, rural HCP applicants must file their FCC Form 466 and all supporting documentation by the end of the relevant funding year. FCC Form 466 is used by an applicant to identify the telecommunications services, rates, and service providers it has selected. Supporting documentation includes proof of the rural and urban rate, cost of service, copy of the signed contract (if applicable), and copies of bids (if more than one bid is received). When the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) determines that an applicant’s FCC Form 466 lacks all supporting documentation, USAC will inform the applicant in writing and give the applicant 14 calendar days to submit the missing supporting documentation. If an applicant does not provide a timely response to the USAC request for omitted supporting documentation, USAC will deny the associated funding request.

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