Schedule Set for Stage 3 of Reverse Auction


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has released a Public Notice announcing that Stage 3 of the reverse auction will begin Tuesday, November 1, 2016. Stage 3 of the forward auction will start as early as four business days after the reverse auction stage concludes.

The Auction System’s clearing target determination procedure has set a spectrum clearing target of 108 megahertz for Stage 3 of the incentive auction. Under the band plan associated with this spectrum clearing target, 80 megahertz, or 8 paired blocks, of licensed spectrum will be offered in the forward auction on a near-nationwide basis.

Stage 3 Clearing Target Band Plan


The generic license blocks offered in the forward auction under this band plan will consist of a total of 3,301 Category 1 blocks (zero to 15 percent impairment) and a total of two Category 2 blocks (greater than 15 percent and up to 50 percent impairment). Approximately 99.9 percent of the blocks offered will be Category 1 blocks, and 99.9 percent of the Category 1 blocks will be zero percent impaired. Appendix A to the Public Notice is a list indicating the number of Category 1 and Category 2 blocks available in each PEA.

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