FCC Denies Adak and Windy City Petition for Reconsideration and Application for Review


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has denied a Petition for Reconsideration and an Application for Review filed by Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC (AEE) and Windy City Cellular, LLC (WCC) both of which contest the Wireline Competition Bureau’s and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau’s order denying WCC’s and AEE’s requests to waive the FCC’s caps on universal service support. Generally, the Commission found that AEE and WCC provided no basis to grant either request.  After substantial review and analysis, the Commission concluded that AEE and WCC continue to have excessive and unreasonable expenses, which shows that the decision to deny the waiver requests was appropriate. Thus, the FCC denied the request to reconsider the Bureaus’ decision. In their Application for Review, AEE and WCC claimed that the Bureaus “failed to observe the proper standard for granting a waiver.” After additional review and analysis, the FCC concluded that the Bureaus applied the proper standard, and therefore has denied the Application for Review.

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