FCC Releases A-CAM Version 2.2, Commences Competitive Coverage Challenge Process


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has released Version 2.2 of the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM v2.2), which incorporates the inputs and modifications recently adopted by the FCC in the Rate-of-Return Reform Order.  Accompanying the release of A-CAM v2.2 are four illustrative reports that provide the following information:

  • Report 6.1 shows the preliminary estimates in A-CAM v2.2 of the state-level offer of model-based support for each carrier that is eligible to elect model-based support.
  • Report 6.2 shows preliminary estimates for the specific broadband obligations for each individual carrier, and its calculated density based on its submitted study area boundaries, land area, and U.S. Census housing unit data.
  • Report 6.3 shows, based on Form 477 data submitted through February 19, 2016, carriers that have deployed 10/1 Mbps broadband to less than 90 percent of their eligible locations, which are flagged as eligible for the offer of model-based support with a “yes.”
  • Report 6.4 shows A-CAM support for each study area consistent with the format used in previously released illustrative reports.

Additionally, the Bureau’s announcement commences the challenge process for determining the presence of qualifying unsubsidized competitors.  Incumbent carriers may file comments contesting the competitive coverage contained in A-CAM v2.2.  Competitors that have made any corrections to their June 2015 FCC Form 477 data since February 19, 2016 are invited to file comments informing the FCC of such corrections.  Similarly, competitors that have newly deployed broadband in particular census blocks since June 2015 are invited to file comments indicating that their certified December 2015 FCC Form 477 data reports broadband for the first time in specified census blocks.  Challenge comments are due on or before April 28, 2016.

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